Using Technology to Find Students

Using technology tools with high school students is always a good idea. Okay, maybe that statement is a bit bold, but let’s face the truth. High school students are more connected to online forums, Facebook accounts, and cell phones than …

14 Technologies Educators Should Watch in 2010

Which technology tools can help improve teaching and learning? Which can boost productivity? Which are just plain useful for keeping organized? Education technology veterans shared their lists of apps intended to make life in and out of the classroom faster, …

What Are the Top-10 Ed Tech Priorities for 2010?

Which issues in education technology should drive policymaking in 2010? Start with establishing technology as the “backbone of school improvement,” and we’ll be on the right track, according to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), which published a …

10 tech trends to look out for in 2010

In the future, your mouse will cook you breakfast, computers will float in the sky and the world will be a generally more peaceful place. Until then, here are a few interesting advancements that we reckon will shape technology during …