2012 will be the year that the cloud secures its foothold in higher education. As we dig our heels into the new year, here are some of the trends we can expect to directly impact how we interact with technology, …
Presentation of the Week: “Institutional Personal Learning Environments – Paradise or Paradox?”
31 Great Ways Universities Are Using Google+
We’ve discovered more than 30 great ways universities are currently using Google Plus, along with several ideas for the future. Read on to learn about the amazing possibilities that Google Plus offers for universities.
Should Teachers and Students Be Facebook Friends?
Should students and teachers ever be friends on Facebook? School districts across the country, including the nation’s largest, are weighing that question as they seek to balance the risks of inappropriate contact with the academic benefits of social networking.
5 Ways To Use StumbleUpon In Education
We’ve come up with a few handy ways to use the content discovery site to actually benefit teachers, students, and education administrators.
A New Web 2.0 App Store Just For Educators
Edshelf is a directory of websites, mobile apps, and desktop software that are rated & reviewed by educators, for educators. We decrease the friction of using and procuring effective technology into the classroom.
Five great sites for finding web 2.0 tools
Here are five great sites that you can use to spice up your technology tool library.
PicMonkey is Like Instagram on the Web
PicMonkey is a web-based image editor that doesn’t require any kind of registration. That lack of a registration requirement makes it perfect for use with students that don’t have email addresses.
Breezi Lets You Design An Amazing Website Without Writing One Line Of Code
An easy to use web-based website editor, Breezi is a full-fledged HTML5 website editor, which lets you control every little aspect of your website, design it just the way you want it to be, and get beautiful results.
Wikipedia Works to Improve Its Academic Image
The Wikipedia Education Program, a new initiative, aims to make Wikipedia a “worldwide teaching tool.”
One Facebook Visit Kills Your Ability To Stay Focused
With 845 million active users visiting the site every month, I think it’s safe to say that Facebook is everybody’s favorite time-killer. However, checking in on the site might do more than just fill a few minutes if you’re pressed …
How Canada Is Closing the Achievement Gap
A Teacher’s Guide To Using Virtual Worlds In Education
If you’re considering the usage of virtual worlds like Second Life, check out this terrific presentation from David W. Deeds on Slideshare. He looks at best practices, what worked, what didn’t, and who should use virtual worlds.
Students file-sharing work on Facebook: Is it legal?
Could students find themselves breaching copyright rules by sharing their own work online?
Several online tools are helpful in teaching
How do I use the computer and Internet in my classroom? Engrade, ImTranslator, Brain Pop, Google Earth and Khan Academy — these are some of the tools I use as a teacher.