Can video games be successfully used for education? The idea of “gamification” in the classroom has gained more space lately.
5 New Social Networks You Should Know About
Whether you’re looking to build and protect your reputation, or just get recommendations on new movies and restaurants, here’s a quick rundown of the latest social networks making headlines.
Teaching students about the Creative Commons
Technology makes stealing easy, but it makes sharing just as easy. The Creative Commons will let your students innovate in and out of the classroom without having to worry about copyright violations.
Using Skype in the Classroom
Resources and Ideas for Using Skype in the Classroom to Build Global Connections.
Presentation of the Week: (re)Designing Learning Spaces for a Digital World
What is the Effect of Technology Training for Teachers on Student Achievement?
This paper discusses the importance of teacher training in technology. One important question is looked at, specifically; does training in technology lead to increased student achievement?
Top Five Uses of Social Media in Education
Social media use has increased significantly since they caught on a few years ago. The following guide provides five of the top uses for social media in educational environments.…
Ten Search Tools and Tactics Teachers and Students Need to Know
A great list of interesting tricks for teachers and students to improve their online searching skills.…
Evaluating the iPad in Higher Education
According to a recent research, students are using their iPads (both owned and borrowed devices) for course-related activities as well as personal use. Students use the iPad primarily for reading and taking notes, but prefer it for shorter, briefer tasks, …
100+ iPad Apps Perfect For High School
There are actually thousands of educational apps hiding in the bowels of the app store. But how do you find them? This article will show you the 100 best ones!
What It’s Like To Actually Deploy iPads In Classrooms
Using iPads in the classroom and for educational purposes is important. It’s an exciting time for education technology But what happens when you move beyond talking and actually purchase dozens of iPads for your classroom?
46 Web Sites About Creative Commons and Public Domain Images
Learn more about Creative Commons licensing and public domain images. Not familiar with the various licenses? Read about them here.
How to Engage Students with Wireless Tech
When technology is integrated in the curriculum, there’s a direct correlation in improving students’ achievement.…
10 Beneficial Facebook Pages For Educators To Check Out
A selection of Facebook Pages providing resources and dialogue focused on education and instructional technologies.…
Google Forms: How to Create a Quiz or a Test that Automatically Grades itself in Google Docs
Using forms in Google docs lets anyone create forms quickly and share those forms via email, embed them into a webpage or blog. If you are a teacher, you can create formulas that allow you to have these forms graded …