Learning and using new words can be one of the great pleasures of language. These online tools can help you along, making it simple to learn new words, find out where they came from and just plain play with words.…
Using Blogs for peer feedback and discussion – Case study
Presentation of the Week: Educational Values in a Digital Age
20 Ways to Make the Most of LinkedIn Classmates Tool
Using the new Classmates tool on LinkedIn, it’s easy to find old classmates or get in touch with more experienced alums in a given professional field. If you haven’t checked out this new feature yet or aren’t sure how to …
Create personalized QR codes with the fast and fun QRhacker
QRhacker is a bit different from your average QR code generator Web app, allowing you to quickly and easily personalise the familiar square barcodes without the need for any Photoshop skills.
17 Signs Your Classroom is Behind the Times
Check these signs and see if your classroom is behind the times.
Moving to Moodle Throughout Quebec
DECclic’s coordinator François Lizotte describes the challenges of bringing the Moodle Learning Platform into 30 colleges throughout Quebec. He explains its advantages for collaboration within a community of practice and invites teachers wishing to use this resource to participate in …
Khan Academy Gets $5 Million to Expand Faculty & Platform & to Build a Physical School
Khan Academy announced that it has raised $5 million.The money is earmarked for several initiatives: expanding the Khan Academy faculty, creating a content management system so that others can use the program’s learning analytics system, and building an actual brick-and-mortar …
Don’t ban mobiles in schools, let students use them
Mobile phones are a distraction in class. There’s no debate about this. But mobile phones can allow us to make the most of modern information technology in our classrooms.
My Teacher Is an App
More kids than ever before are attending school from their living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. The result: A radical rethinking of how education works.
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011
This year’s list is compiled from the Top 10 Tools lists of 531 learning professionals worldwide – from education, training and workplace learning.
Could Checking Facebook in Class Help Students Focus?
Technology is all the rage in 21st-century schools. But concern is growing about the potential negative impact of so much screen time and social media.
To Flip or not to Flip Your Classrooms ?
The flipped classroom provides avenues for teachers to become facilitators of learning and move away from the sage on a stage approach to teaching. See the pros and cons of using such an approach in your classes.
5 Reasons Not to Ban Social Networking in Schools
Here are 5 reasons why social networking sites, whether they be open or closed, have a valid and important contribution to make to teaching.
How to make fantastic screencasts using Screenr
Screencasting is a process of recording what is happening on your computer screen, accompanied with ongoing audio commentary. It is a fantastic way to pre-record lectures that involve text or visuals, provide audio-visual feedback to learners based on their original …