Social Media Usage Trends Among Higher Education Faculty
The popularity of social media and its rapid ascension into our daily lives is nothing short of astounding. Sites that weren’t even around 10 years ago are now visited every day. What’s more, 56 percent of the faculty surveyed said …
15 Tips to Get the Most out of Google Docs
A great list of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Google Docs. Some of these you may know already, others maybe not.…
7 Stories From Educators About Teaching In The Flipped Classroom
There is a wealth of experienced, constructive knowledge shared in this content. If you wish to learn about what the flipped classroom is and what it isn’t, or just better understand how teachers have used this new-age model, then read …
20 College Education Influencers on Twitter You Need to Follow and Why
Each of these educators are doing a fantastic job of providing interesting and informative educational tidbits on Twitter, but have somehow become over-shadowed by the millions of other users that are out there.
Top 20 Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps Used By Real Teachers in the Classroom
Educators use apps for everything from communicating with students to inspiring creativity to dissecting virtual frogs. Luckily, we have lots of educators who share their lists of the best education apps for elementary, middle school, junior high, and high school.…
8 Current Technologies That Will Shape Our Future
In 20 years our technology will reach a level of personalization that will enhance every moment of our lives. I foresee several of today’s technologies as relevant to this particular vision of the future. They will evolve to not only …
An Open Letter to Techy Teachers
As the new school year gets underway, there will be plenty of times when the “techy” teachers are going to be asked to help others get their classrooms set up. As I spent the first few days helping my friends …
Check out this collection of 73 videos on Moodle
Here’s a repository of Moodle related videos which is available to anyone. Videos cover a host of topics including making quizzes, adding 3rd party content, creating links and labels and activities, student safety, RSS, and much much more. Some videos …
6 Ways to Add Technology to the Classroom
Technology makes meaningful collaborative and engaging interactive classroom experiences possible with minimal effort.However, sometimes we need some help getting started. This list of ideas will hopefully serve as a starting place for some conversations in your school.…
Top 20 Social Networks for Education
A great list of networks for education that target technology literacy.…
Open Courses, Open Teaching, This Is Dangerous
What if teaching tools were no longer packaged and sold, but digitally created together for free use?
Presentation of the Week: Open Online Courses: A Model for Connected Learning
What We Learned from 5 Million Books
Why does Social Media matter in Higher Education?
Liz Gros reviews the literature and lists a series of factors why Social Media matters in Higher Education.…