Best Practices in Social Networking for Educators
Free Online OCR: web app delivers editable text from scanned images or PDFs
Do you have PDF documents or images (e.g. JPG, PNG, TIFF) that were created using a scanner, and that you wish you could convert to editable text?
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy—Livebinder
Resources for understanding Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy & applications for classroom. Snip and Share the Best Parts of Pages is a new service for clipping and sharing parts of websites. The idea is this; when you want to share just a portion of a webpage with someone you can now highlight the text you want and share it.…
70+ Google Forms for the Classroom
Here you’ll find 70 example forms created by Tom Barrett from There is a link included so that you can get your own copy of the form – click on the appropriate link and it should open in your …
The Netflix Effect: When Software Suggests Students’ Courses
Austin Peay State University created an automated system which “considers each student’s planned major, past academic performance, and data on how similar students fared in that class. It crunches this information to arrive at a recommendation. An early test of …
7 Must-Read Books on Education
21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020
Inspired by Sandy Speicher’s vision of the designed school day of the future, reader Shelly Blake-Plock shared his own predictions of that ideal day. How close are we to this? The post was written in December 2009, and Blake-Plock says …
Google for Educators, Interactive Mind Map
Google for Educators is a web site that support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand the frontiers of human knowledge.…
Investigating the Effects of Technology-Assisted Instruction on Cégep Students
Helen Stavaris (a Dawson College faculty) was skeptical about the didactical effectiveness of a platform that relied on electronic means as a vehicle for instruction, which is why she chose to investigate varying degrees of technology-assisted instruction for her Master’s …
100+ Free Internet Resources for Real Teachers in Real Classrooms
A great list of free resources for every classroom.…
Is Facebook the next LMS?
You can ‘drag’ your learners to a learning management system (LMS) but you can’t make them ‘drink’ in the content unless it’s engaging. The solution – could Facebook be used as an LMS?…
Osmek: A Content Management System Built on the Cloud
Osmek is a new kind of CMS, built in the cloud so your content is available where and how you need it. It’s a beautiful interface for creating content, and a powerful set of APIs for retrieving it.