Writing multimedia ebooks can be a nice way for students to illustrate and or further explain portions of fiction and non-fiction stories that they compose. The following five tools make it possible for students to create and publish multimedia ebooks …
Psychologists create free intelligence test for tablets and smartphones
Psychologists with UC Irvine and UC Riverside have developed a new test designed to measure intelligence. Unlike some existing tests, which often require payment and take a large block of time to finish, the new test is free and can …
Two Good Video Explanations of Fair Use in Education
Guidelines around fair use can be confusing to say the least. If you find yourself or your students confused by fair use, take a look at the following videos from Common Craft and Crash Course. Both provide clear explanations of …
This robot co-taught a course at West Point
Bina48, the first-ever robot to complete a college course, finished another mission today: It became the first robot to co-teach a university-level class.
What everyday citizens can do to claim power on the internet
Presentation of the Week: E-Learning 3.0
Classroom of 2030: A flashforward to learning techniques
Education to not only use technology as tools but also to inculcate computational thinking.
Some Very Good Video Recording Tools for Teachers
Here are some powerful video screen capture tools you can use to record everything that takes place on your Chrome browser. Some of them support desktop recording allowing you to record your screen and not only tabs (e.g., Screencastify). As …
Microsoft Is Killing Skype Classic on November 1, and Here’s Why People Are Upset
After some delays, Microsoft is finally going to kill Skype Classic on November 1. If you’re a Skype user, you’ll have to upgrade from Skype 7 to Skype 8 or stop using Skype. Here’s what’s different, and why people are …
Artificial Intelligence: What’s The Difference Between Deep Learning And Reinforcement Learning?
With the rapid changes in the AI industry, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest cutting-edge technologies. In this post I want to provide easy-to-understand definitions of deep learning and reinforcement learning so that you can understand …
Now Apps Can Track You Even After You Uninstall Them
New trackers make it easy for developers to identify fed-up users and pester them with targeted ads.
When Will It Just Be Machines Talking to Machines?
Do you ever get the feeling that the machines are trying to influence the way you think, or take charge of your communicative acts?
The State of Video in Education 2018
Each year, we ask professionals working in education around the world how they see video being used in and out of the classroom. This year, more than 1,500 of you shared your thoughts on how and why you use video, …
Word Cloud Tools and Apps for Teachers
A word cloud is a visual representation of the frequencies of words in a text. Teachers can use word clouds for a variety of instructional purposes from creating class groups using students’ names to reflecting on lesson plans, this article …
Augmented Reality Apps to Use with Students in Your Class
We have already reviewed several educational AR tools and apps and have also shared this collection of excellent TED talks on the educational potential of AR technologies. Drawing on these resources together with EdSurge list, we have prepared for you …