Presentation of the Week: How People Learn
Google to shut down Google+
Google just announced that it will sunset the company’s social networking service Google+ for consumers in the coming 10 month period. Google+ was Google’s last attempt at creating a Facebook competitor that would put Google on equal footing with the …
11 Tools for Teaching With Videos – A PDF Handout
There are times when a good video or video clip can be just the thing that a student needs to see how all of the pieces of a topic come together. And sometimes just seeing a demonstration or hearing an …
Top Tools for Learning 2018
The Top Tools for Learning 2018 list was compiled by Jane Hart at the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. Below you will find an interactive table of the Top 200 Tools for Learning 2018. This table also shows their …
How Affective Data Could Change Learning Outcomes
Reading and responding to students’ emotions could help boost engagement levels and academic performance.…
10 Trends for Digital Learning in 2018
There are some significant new trends in this year’s list. Could this be the tipping point for some real change in how (workplace) learning is perceived and supported?…
8 Great Translation and Dictionary Apps for Language Learners
The apps include thesauruses, dictionaries, and translation. Students can use these apps to search for meanings of new lexical items, translate across multiple languages, access tons of contextualized examples of language use and many more.…
Active Presenter: A Complete Solution for the Production of Video Tutorials
I have been producing video tutorials for several years, for all the courses I teach. Over time, I have used different software (JingPro, Camtasia, Screencast-O-Matic, etc.). I found that this software is very complete, even in its free version, and …
5 Good Web Tools for Generating Citations
These are web-based citation generators you can use to easily generate and format your references based on various citation styles. They support several citation formats (e.g., APA, MLA7/8, Chicago and many more) as well as a multitude of sources that …
What Do Edtech and IKEA Have in Common? Persuasive Design
The best way to think about persuasive technology is to start with the iconic furniture store Ikea.…
What does the Top Tools for Learning 2018 list tell us about the future direction of L&D?
Take a look at the diagram below that compares the Top 100 Tools for Personal & Professional Learning (PPL100) with the Top 100 Tools for Workplace Learning (WPL100) in terms of the frequency of learning.
What’s Trending in New Ed-Tech ‘Top 40’ Digital Tools
The “Ed-Tech Top 40” analysis is based on real-time online activity from over 300 schools and districts during the school year. It was generated from more than 2 billion data points using a plug-in on Google’s Chrome browser that identifies …