There are so many digital tools available today that offer opportunities for promoting student creativity, student voice, and expanding where and how students learn. Here is a list of tools to try in 2018. Each of these offer multiple ways …
The Best Note-Taking Apps of 2018
Jot down thoughts, take pictures of things you want to remember, and keep it all at your fingertips, across your devices, with a top-rated note-taking app.…
Microsoft Just Released an Education Laptop That’s a Total Dunce
The Microsoft effort to compete with Chromebooks has fallen flat.
These are the best apps you’ve probably never heard of
Have you ever wondered what products or apps you’re missing out on? It’s easy to find the most popular ones in a particular category—but what about the hidden gems?…
Presentation of the Week: Key Digital Trends for 2018
How Reliable is Your Memory?
Key technology questions college leaders should ask
Questions to ask yourself, and your senior management team colleagues, to help you find remain more competitive and sustainable in an increasingly digital age.…
Creating Interactive E-Books through Learning by Design: The Impacts of Guided Peer-Feedback on Students’ Learning Achievements and Project Outcomes in Science Courses
The experimental results indicated that the integrated guided peer-feedback and e-book development strategy had significant impacts on the students’ learning achievements and ebook project outcomes while reducing their cognitive load and increasing their innovative thinking tendency in the design process.…
5 big ideas for education innovation in 2018
Here are five ways I’m hoping the K-12 education innovation agenda moves forward in 2018:…
How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us
An early investor explains why the social media platform’s business model is such a threat—and what to do about it.
Blockchain Technology and Education
Sony Corporation and Sony Global Education (SGE) recently announced development of a system to apply blockchain technology to education. Blockchain technology is a “distributed database through which digital transactions can be securely made and recorded without approval from a central …
Making Virtual Reality a Reality in Today’s Classrooms
The market for virtual reality applications is growing at a rapid pace, and is expected to double in the next five years (Bolkan, 2017). As the cost of equipment falls and schools have greater access to technology, there is great …
4 Ways Blockchain, the Technology behind Bitcoin, Can Transform Education
The report comes from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) – a science and knowledge service that has scientists conduct research to advise EU policy-makers. The JRC looked at case studies carried out at European Universities and came up …
Google And Lenovo Unveil The First High-Quality Stand-Alone VR Headset
Stand-alone headsets–which have all the computing power onboard–could help consumer VR become more mainstream.
A New Citation Database Launches Today: Digital Science’s Dimensions
Digital Science just announced Dimensions, a new product that includes a citation database, a research analytics suite, and streamlined article discovery and access.…