Still copying and pasting accents into Google Docs? No need, because there’s an Add-on for that!!…
DawsonITE is a blog devoted to Educational Technology. It's compiled by Rafael Scapin, Coordinator of Educational Technology at Dawson College in Montreal (Canada).
Still copying and pasting accents into Google Docs? No need, because there’s an Add-on for that!!…
Who could imagine that a group of 7th graders in Kenya with no electricity in their homes or school could be on the forefront of one of the most innovative technologies of our time?…
Some argued that it was the product that would give us insight into the future of Apple. A year later, that direction appears to be very boring.
Access to decent cloud storage is practically a necessity these days whether it’s for work or play, but everyone seems to have an opinion on which one is best. Let’s break down three of the most popular file syncing …
An overview of findings from a study on the practices of university students accessing learning resources at a research-intensive university in South Africa. There is a grey zone in the access of resources that is now simply part of …
People all over have formed lots opinions about Snapchat based on very little information. Here’s what you need to know to be informed.…
We need to question the traditional approaches to education and embrace new modes of learning to help create the next generation of leaders.
Every hard drive fails one day. Backup service Backblaze says 50% fail after only four years. Save yourself the trouble and start backing up your computer now.…
Teachers are seeing huge benefits from taking homework to the web. In an article for The Guardian, Headteacher Tricia Kelleher writes, “It can become an authentic extension of learning, with students supported and guided in ways that were previously …
Our favourite feature in this collection is number four which allows Drive file owners to set expiration dates for access to files they share with others. After the expiration is over ,file receivers are denied access.…
Facebook will begin automatically describing the content of photos to blind and visually impaired users. Called “automatic alternative text,” the feature was created by Facebook’s 5-year-old accessibility team.…
According to a new survey from digital entertainment company Defy Media, Gen Z and young millennial consumers consider digital video “their daily lifeline.” A majority (65%) of 13-to-24-year-olds watch content from the start of their day (such as before school …
Most video editors out there support different forms of annotations but if you are looking for some easy and simple ones to use with students the list below has you covered. These are great applications that allow you to …