Google Expeditions, a virtual reality system for the classroom, is now being offered to select schools for free as part of Google’s pilot launch of its Expeditions Pioneer Program. The field trip simulation system is part of Google’s objectives to …
Nine Things Educators Need to Know About the Brain
Through understanding how students’ brains actually work and using that knowledge to benefit classroom learning, we may be able to positively influence classroom education and prepare students to better face unknowable futures. Here are nine scientific insights that educators …
Use EDPuzzle to Make YouTube a Powerful Educational Tool
There is another great resource for ensuring students are getting it as they watch. This tool gives teachers the ability to add explanations during videos while individual students watch at their own pace. This free tool, EDpuzzle, is a …
Effectiveness of Integrating MOOCs in Traditional Classrooms for Undergraduate Students
The review of blended MOOCs in classrooms assists to form the emerging consensus on integrating MOOCs in conventional classroom settings, while highlighting potential opportunities and challenges one might face when implementing MOOCs in similar or entirely different contexts.…
Five Ways Students Can Share Videos Without YouTube
Creating videos is a process that students enjoy because the final product is something that they can share with a potentially large audience. Teachers like video projects because students get engaged in developing and sharing their best work. See …
Presentation of the Week: 7+ Ways to Assess Students
Soon we’ll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill
Digital vs Digitized Learning
Just providing teachers with an organizational tool, such as an LMS, will not lead to transformative practices. Teachers need on-going support if they are to truly transform their classrooms into ecosystems for digital age learning.…
Stop Googling. Let’s Talk
How do you keep face-to-face conversation alive in your family and among your friends? What has happened to face-to-face conversation in a world where so many people say they would rather text than talk?…
8 Examples of Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Cycle
Following are 8 examples of the SAMR process, each taking an example of a typical classroom exercise that does not use technology and walking it through each phase of SAMR.…
5 Great Ways to Use the Internet of Things
These examples demonstrate how networked sensors are already benefiting multiple industries.…
Five Best USB 3.0 Flash Drives
With the convenience of cloud storage, USB flash drives might seem like old news, but the best are portable, fast, near-indestructible, and offer tons of space—enough that they’re worth having. This week we’re looking at five of the best, …
What’s so great about Google Drive? And why should my students be using it?
This article will show you Google Drive’s awesomeness, and will convince you that you need to be using Google Drive and its tools not just for yourself, but with your students as well.
Some Excellent Web Tools to Give Students A Voice in Class
With the help of web technologies, you can use a wide variety of web tools with students to provide them with an outlet through which they can express their voices. Here are some examples to try :
Google Releases Video About Their Machine Learning Research
Instead of going in and writing programs that solve the problems, we write programs that learn to solve the problems from examples,” Mr. Olah says about machine learning and his research at Google.…