Using new technologies allow students and teachers to learn another skill set that will help them in the marketplace. Check out this list of few platforms to know that can be your mantra for skill development.
DawsonITE is a blog devoted to Educational Technology. It's compiled by Rafael Scapin, Coordinator of Educational Technology at Dawson College in Montreal (Canada).
Using new technologies allow students and teachers to learn another skill set that will help them in the marketplace. Check out this list of few platforms to know that can be your mantra for skill development.
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has launched its new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Development portal. This online service is built on the idea that offering a MOOC should be as easy as taking one. Interested partner institutions …
Hangouts allows video chat for 10 people and has many incredible apps for you to make music, peer edit documents, screenshare, doodle, play games, and more!
At the heart of our increasingly technological society, there’s a paradox. Young people are surrounded by tech from a very early age. But as they grow up, very few of them actually understand how the technology that surrounds them …
With the sheer amount of available information from different sources online, how could you make sure of a source’s credibility? You may use Google Chrome. It has an extension that lets you look into and assess the reliability of a …
There are benefits to adopting web-based alternatives to paper: it’s easy to collaborate when everything’s online, students can collaborate without requiring parent time and gas fumes, teachers can answer questions in a timely manner, teachers can provide feedback on …
Microsoft OneNote is now free to use on and sync among all your devices, such as computers, tablets, and phones, as well as on the web. So, what if you’re using Evernote and want to switch? No worries. It’s easy …
You don’t need to shell out a ton of money or put yourself in debt to learn how to code, either. These 12 places offer coding courses for free:
As a teacher, you can use Forms for a variety of purposes including: planning an event, making surveys and polls, creating quizzes, collecting feedback and other information from students and many more. Here is a guide on features you …
The IPEVO Whiteboard app for iPad is a great, free solution for teachers who want the benefits of a document camera, without the added cost of new hardware. It is an extremely versatile app that gives you yet another …
Gabriel Flacks, who currently serves as the Coordinator of the Humanities Department at Champlain Regional College, St. Lambert (QC), has introduced me to a website that he created. It’s and it has a wide range of applications, but for …
So it’s here. The eagerly anticipated iPad Pro was launched earlier last week in San Francisco. As technological design goes, as with most things with Apple, it is a thing of beauty. I simply can’t wait to get my …