There is not much conclusive research on how video games affect children for good or ill. But there are stories of many game makers and scholars who have found clear signs of such activity promoting learning.
The Rise of Emoji on Instagram Is Causing Language Repercussions
It is a rare privilege to observe the rise of a new language,” Thomas Dimson, a software engineer on Instagram’s data team, said in a company blog post on Friday. “Emoji are becoming a valid and near-universal method of …
Google ‘should be allowed in examinations’
It is inevitable search engines such as Google will be allowed in public examinations, including GCSEs and A-Levels, the head of an exam board says.
Google Classroom: A Free Learning Management System For eLearning
Google Classroom can be utilized by educators who have already created a Google Apps for Education account for free. In essence, Google Classroom is designed to give online facilitators, content creators and educators the ability to go paperless and …
SoundCloud Is Making It Easier for Anyone to Publish a Podcast
SoundCloud for Podcasting could be a great service to try if you have wanted to try podcasting with your students, but have been overwhelmed or frustrated by the process of distributing the recordings your students have made. The free …
Here is How to Add Page Breaks to Your Google Docs
If you try to print a long Google doc, chances are the printed version will probably look slightly different from the actual one. This is usually the case because the default settings in Google Docs are not set to …
Presentation of the Week: Open Education and Personal Learning
New video technology that reveals an object’s hidden properties
Tips for Using iPads in the Classroom
We want to address some of the main concerns about tablet use in the classroom, as well as offer some tips that may serve useful if iPads do come to play a larger role in your classroom.
The Single Biggest Myth about Mobile Learning
I would like to share what I think is the biggest misunderstanding we need to correct in order to have a successful learning design strategy. Single Biggest Myth: Mobile Learning is ONLY About Mobile Devices.…
Two Simple Ways to Create A Table of Content in Google Docs
There are actually two ways to add a table of contents to a document in Google Docs. Both of these ways require that you create headings and subheadings in your document.
Teacher’s Guide to Polling in the Classrooms
Great educators know that teaching is not a one-way street. Getting students involved and engaged is key to helping lessons stick. Technology that builds engagement can help students learn better.…
44 Diverse Tools To Publish Student Work
The tools to publish student work are separated into 11 varied categories that run the spectrum of digital publishing, a list that’s nearly as useful as the graphic itself. You can find the list, graphic, and tools below.…
MOOCs are getting personal, but also more engaging!
One important metric is engagement, or how long students’ attention is focused. One-on-one learning certainly is more engaging than a lecture, but does this trend translate over to MOOCs? How do interactive, personalized lessons compare to passive video content …
Clips: A Free Video Editor for iPads & iPhones
Clips is an interesting app. It does not have a plethora of video editing options, but that is kind of the point. Simplicity, remember?…