When we play video games we learn, build, collaborate, problem-solve, explore, discover, and achieve goals. We also are deemed heroes or champions for investing so much time playing. What if learning were more like playing a video game?
OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice: What’s the Difference and Which Should You Use?
OpenOffice.org was once the open-source office suite of choice, but it fractured into two separate projects — Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice. But what’s the real difference, and which is the best one?
Presentation of the Week: Creative Commons V4.0 for Education
The best computer interface? Maybe … your hands
10 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions
Chrome Extensions are little add ons to your Chrome Browser. Here are 10 that I learned about and have fallen in love with!
15 Apps You Should Try with Your Students
This list contains only apps I have not included in similar previous lists. Also, because of the increasing number of requests I get from you concerning Android apps , I decided to include links to the Android versions of those …
How some colleges are offering free textbooks
Recent surveys by the National Association of College Stores suggest annual student spending on course materials is decreasing with the emergence of alternatives to retail, from textbook sharing and rentals to e-books and online resources.
Flipping the Flipped Classroom
Two of the hot topics in education in the last few years have been Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s) and the flipped classroom. I’ve been experimenting with both of them. Here’s the story of what we tried and what we …
Are Existing Tech Tools Effective for Teachers and Students?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just released a report detailing the results of 3,100 teacher surveys and 1,250 student surveys on the kinds of digital instruction tools that are useful and effective.
Where will teachers be in the classroom of the future?
It is their frustration, skepticism, enthusiasm and willingness to embrace new ways of learning that will help us all better understand the digital revolution that has arrived in some classrooms – and is bypassing others.
EDpuzzle: Make any video your lesson
EdPuzzle allows you to add your voice and questions to educational videos. On EdPuzzle you can search for educational videos from Khan Academy and Learn Zillion.
Poetica – Edit Documents Online as if You Were Writing on Paper
Poetica is a neat new service for collaborative editing of documents. The best feature of Poeticais its similarity to writing on a paper document.
European Multiple MOOC Aggregator
The European Multiple MOOC Aggregator (EMMA) aims to showcase excellence in innovative teaching methodologies and learning approaches through the large-scale piloting of MOOCs on different subjects and in different languages.
Preso.tv: Present on desktop & mobile and projector screens at the same time
Preso.tv is the first and only hassle-free way for anyone to present their Powerpoint, PDF, and Office documents on any device, anywhere in the world, in real-time.
Khan Academy Offers ‘Blended Learning 101’Course
The growth of blended learning and Khan Academy go hand-in-hand. So it’s only fitting that Khan is now offering a Blended Learning 101 course, in partnership with the Clayton Christensen Institute and the Silicon Schools Fund.