There is no denying that Google has redefined the way we see and use the Internet in recent years. How many products and properties exactly? The results are in the list below — with some tips and tricks thrown in …
A Must Read Google Plus Guide for Schools
In this short guide, you will walk through a step by step process on how to tap into the educational potential of Google Plus. Overall, the guide is a must read and I recommend that you share it with your …
How To Make An Educational App: What I Learned
I would like to tell you about our journey of innovation, creativity and implementation in creating a self-help teaching mobile tool for the speaking skill.
10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy
These are the really, really simple things you should be doing to keep casual intruders from invading your privacy.
Presentation of the Week: The Future Of Wearable Tech
Frederic Kaplan: How I built an information time machine (TED Talk)
Transform The Way You Teach With Google Sites for Education (Video)
See the dynamic and affordable features of Google Sites and take a deep dive into how faculty and staff can creatively use this technology, in and out of the classroom, to improve teaching and learning methodologies.
50 Educational Podcasts You Should Check Out
Podcasts are a great way to get information when you’re driving in your car, making dinner at home, or waiting at the DMV to renew your license. Below are 50 educational podcasts you should look consider.
Perpetu Lets You Decide What Happens To Your Online Accounts After You Die
A startup called Perpetu wants to make it easier for us to ensure that our social network accounts are unplugged once we shuffle off this mortal coil. The service, which currently lets users add Facebook or Twitter accounts for free, …
Pinterest: A Beginner’s Guide to the Hot New Social Network
Pinterest is a place to organize and share online images you find interesting or inspiring. Once uploaded or shared on Pinterest, these images become known as Pins, which the user can place on customized, themed Boards. But like any new …
Apple’s iBeacon will Put the ‘Internet of Things’ in Your Pocket
Using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE), iBeacon opens up a new whole dimension by creating a beacon around regions so your app can be alerted when users enter them. Beacons are a small wireless sensors placed inside any physical space that transmit …
How Data is Driving the Biggest Revolution in Education Since the Middle Ages
Technology causes the world to move so fast that learning has to be a lifelong pursuit. Data can be used to make teaching more effective in a way that isn’t possible with the traditional classroom-lecture model.
Broadcast your Presentation to Student Devices using Presefy
Yep, Presefy ( does just what the title says. What’s even better is that it does this from any internet enabled device from anywhere in the world.
Teacher’s Guide to Digital Curation
The purpose of the digital curator is to compile and provide a high quality resource around a given topic by filtering what he’/ she perceives as worthy of curation. For the selection, preservation, and maintenance of high quality digital content …
Using 3D Printing to Explain Theoretical Physics
Students may soon be able to reach out and touch some of the theoretical concepts they are taught in their physics classes thanks to a novel idea devised by a group of researchers from Imperial College London. In new study …