Before Google Reader goes dark on July 1st, choose a better alternative for it.…
DawsonITE is a blog devoted to Educational Technology. It's compiled by Rafael Scapin, Coordinator of Educational Technology at Dawson College in Montreal (Canada).
Before Google Reader goes dark on July 1st, choose a better alternative for it.…
Many people have realized the importance of learning how to code as a life skill.
The best – and probably most surprising part – is that coding doesn’t have to be a boring ordeal. Don’t believe me? Check out these …
Citing sources under APA and MLA rules is confusing enough for books, magazines, and other hardcopy documents. But there are established rules for how to cite Internet sources, too—and teachers in both traditional and accredited online colleges expect you to …
The other day I managed to pass a couple of Twitter milestones, 500 followers and 3000 tweets, and I made me really stop and think about how this thing that many of us use named Twitter has affected my life …
Mobile devices are transforming the way teachers are teaching and students are learning. This alphabetical list covers a wide variety of areas of interest to teachers and students alike.
A good compilation of useful and interesting apps and extensions for teachers and students.
Whether you’re just looking for simple online charting tools or seeking complex data visualization software, the list below has got you covered!
The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging.…
RealtimeBoard is an endless online whiteboard where you can upload images, draw, add text, post notes and comments and save the results instantly. It is a great web tool for collaborative work as it allows users to invite people and …
The Amplify tablet is specifically built for classrooms. Read below the bullet points to know about.…
The power of connected learning expands the classroom to infinity and beyond, but students still need a teacher’s guidance.…
MOOCs, flipped classrooms and blended models are stirring up higher education.
Technology is as susceptible to myths as any other niche. The complexity of the subject, combined with the rapid introduction of new, unfamiliar innovations, creates a perfect breeding ground for misunderstanding. Let’s set these tech myths straight.…