Mega is the new cloud-based storage service from Kim Dotcom. Born from the ashes of Megaupload, the service purports to be a secure way to trade files, regardless of type.
How To Overcome The iPad Learning Curve
Technology can make life a lot easier in the classroom. When used properly, tablets such as the iPad can be used effectively in the classroom. Learn how to effectively use them in the classroom.…
6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads
Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation.
New WordPress Plugin Lets You Build Your Own Online School
If you run a website that uses WordPress, you can now easily (relatively) build your very own online school. The new WordPress plugin from WooThemes lets you start up your own online school with ease.…
Tips and Resources for a Paperless Classroom
You can go paperless, or at least reduce the use of paper in your classroom many different ways. Below are a few tips/ideas to help you get started along with some other Paperless resources.
Why Moodle Matters To Teachers
The open-source course management package known as Moodle has gained a large following among educators since it launched in the summer of 2002. Now available on Windows, Mac and Linux, the Moodle project claims 64 million users in 225 countries, …
Presentation of the Week: 105 Free Moodle Video Tutorials
Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning
19 handy Google tricks that you weren’t aware of
Here are a number of tips and tricks that you can use for four of Google’s more popular features: Gmail, Maps, Google Drive and Google News.…
Using technology in the classroom the right way
One of the things that I see happen far too often is people stressing over how they are going to create lessons around the new piece of technology they have in their classroom. It is this approach that is causing …
MOOCs and Pedagogy: Teacher-Centered, Student-Centered, and Hybrids
“In a traditional course, the instructor creates knowledge coherence by bounding the domain of knowledge that the learners will explore: i.e. this is the course text, here are the readings, quizzes will validate that you’ve learned what I think is …
How Video Games Are Changing Education (Infographic)
Schools have found an alternative way to equip students with flexible and adaptive skills by allowing them to learn by playing video games.
How To Know If You’re Correctly Integrating Technology
A common question that we hear from teachers about integrating technology into their classrooms is, “how do I know if I’m doing it right?” We feel that the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) best addresses the question of “doing it right.”…
iPad v iPad Mini – I’m a Teacher and I would choose…
The release of the iPad Mini has further muddied the waters when it comes to choosing appropriate technology to enhance learning. If your institution is going to buy into new technology which tablet should you choose?…
5 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen
Teachers really want to the ability to display their iPad or their students’ iPads on a projector screen. Projecting on a large screen is great for demonstrations, simulations, explanations, and showing examples. There are several ways this can be done …