27 Moodle Tutorials on Youtube
Each of the 27 tutorials covers a different aspect of Moodle editing or configuration from the teacher perspective. Learn to setup gradebooks, manage and create activities and resources and much more.
Why Twitter and Facebook could be Good instructional tools
I think that social media could be Dr. Jeckyll or Mr. Hyde depending upon the use. I believe that almost any site could be used in positive ways for teaching. We should never settle for the new tool as automatically …
Vizaroo: a learner response system
Vizaroo is a learner response system that creates graphic organizers from audience responses.
What Makes Project-Based Learning a Success?
At one high school in Texas, where every class in every grade is project based, the answer is devotion to a consistent process, belief in relationships, and commitment to relevance and rigor. Results? Hard to beat.
What are some must-see TED talks?
A list with the most interesting TED talks.
Drop Canvas Provides Super Simple File Sharing
Drop Canvas is a new service offering very simple file sharing. To share a file with someone just go to Dropcanvas.com and drag files from your desktop onto the Dropcanvas screen. As soon as you have dropped files onto the …
Wasting Time Is New Divide in Digital Era
As access to devices has spread, children in poorer families are spending considerably more time than children from more well-off families using their television and gadgets to watch shows and videos, play games and connect on social networking sites, studies …
Why Twitter and Facebook Are Not Good Instructional Tools
If it’s simple—even mindless—to use or create with new technology, then we must question the pedagogical value of what we are doing.
What Can America Learn From the World’s Most Successful Education Systems?
Like other education experts, Darling-Hammond notes that nations like Finland and Singapore have dramatically improved their education systems in the last four decades while the U.S. has “been pedaling in place.
10 Reasons Why Students Aren’t Using eTextbooks
When e-textbooks were first introduced, they were supposed to be the wave of the future. But they haven’t taken off quite as expected: according to market research firm Student Monitor, only about 11% of college students have bought e-textbooks. Here, …
The truth about flipped learning
Many assumptions and misconceptions around the flipped class concept are circulating in educational and popular media. This article will address, and hopefully put to rest, some of the confusion and draw a conclusion on why flipped learning is a sound …
Dan Rather Reports, “Teaching is Rocket Science” excerpt
Presentation of the Week: “What do Connections do?”
The Educator’s Guide to Instagram and Other Photo Apps
A great guide to get started or get more out of using Instagram.