Great tools to create our own infographics

An infographic (information graphic) has been a very effective way to present the wealth of recent information on social media and to bait for links and social media votes for ages. There are a number of useful infographic tools that …

7 Mistakes Made By ICT Co-Ordinators

So, you’ve landed a great new job, an important one at that, as an ICT Co-ordinator or Technology Co-ordinator. But in your eagerness to make an impact, are you making some fundamental mistakes? Here’s a quick guide about whatnot to …

Facebook Is Making Us Miserable

When Facebook was founded in 2004, it began with a seemingly innocuous mission: to connect friends. Some seven years and 800 million users later it’s fast becoming the dominant communication platform of the future. But this new world of ubiquitous …

Embracing Continuous Improvement with EdTech

Just as a teacher has to re-think his or her classroom structure to incorporate a new element such as guided reading or math manipulatives, a teacher trying to incorporate and truly integrate technology in the classroom must reflect, fail and …