Free eBook – 20 WEBTOOLS Applied to Teaching

Ana Maria Menezes has just published a 53 page free ebook titled 20 WEBTOOLS Applied to Teaching. In addition to some well-known services like Animoto, Ana Maria has included some lesser-known tools that could be particulary useful for ESL/ELL instruction.…

Cloud Computing and the Power to Choose

Feature article describing types of cloud computing services, advantages of cloud computing, discussion of future trends, and examples of cloud computing in action. “Many CIOs do indeed view the cloud as a key strategy for the future,” write the authors, …

QlipBoard: Create How-To Videos Easily

QlipBoard is a free software that lets users easily record instructional videos and add things like annotations, screenshots and other media to them. The resulting videos are produced in .WMV format and known as Qlippits. It’s an all in one …