TinEye – Reverse Image Search

Yesterday, Google announced that they were completely revamping the way that image search results were displayed. TinEye is a reverse image search engine. Here’s how it works, upload an image to TinEye or paste an image url into TinEye and …

Augmented Reality for Learning

Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated imagery. Here you will find a list of interesting resources for using Augmented Reality for …

Facebook Hits 500 Million Active Users

Facebook has just announced that they now have 500 million active users, a substantial percentage of the world, and far more total users than the US has citizens. Using the most recent world population estimates, 7.4% of all people in …

Teens suffering from Hourglass Syndrome

The polling firm Angus Reid says about 60 per cent of teenagers suffer what they call “hourglass syndrome,” which is feelings of stress because their computers are too slow. Hourglass syndrome was coined because it illustrates the frustrations of people …

Build Your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

As a educator, probably one of the tougher challenges you face isn’t just keeping up with the technology, but rather understanding how to leverage it in your teaching and learning situation. In this article you’ll learn how to build your …