= Twitter + Delicious

This site provides a useful and very simple bookmarking service for Twitter. They follow your Twitter feed, and whenever one of your tweets contains a URL, they add it to your bookmarks. You can optionally, bookmark URLs in @replies …

Robot Teachers Enter the Education Workforce

You may have had some instructors during your school years that seemed like they were simply carrying out pre-programmed, robotic orders, but not quite as literally as these profs. Singularity Hub reports that robot teachers have successfully passed a first …

Lingt: Webtools for Language

Lingt helps people learn the massive number of vocabulary terms required for basic competency in a foreign language. We think the biggest problem with learning a new language is simply giving up, so we’ve built something that we think makes …

Is Higher Education Evolving?

To survive and thrive, living organisms, industries, and institutions — including higher education — must evolve or adapt to changing environments. The slow evolutionary clock speed and failure to adopt contextualized open interfaces in the higher education ecosystem may threaten …