Are e-books good for studying?

Three universities (Princeton, Arizona State University, and Northwest Missouri State) pilot two e-readers (Kindle DX, Sony Reader), to see how well students could use them for studying. The results were at best mixed, and at worst negative. There were problems …

More Apps Coming to Google Apps for Education

Google has announced that beginning this summer administrators of Google Apps for Education and Google Apps for Enterprise will be able to incorporate Blogger, Picassa, iGoogle and other Google products into their existing roster of applications in Google Apps. Put …

20 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers

20 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers is the title of a nice slide presentation created by Simon Ward. Ward’s presentation contains some very familiar sites like Delicious and also includes some lesser-known sites. In fact, there were a few sites …

There’s an Educational App for that!

The iPod Touch®, iPhone®, and iPad®, are a great innovative technology tools for educators and students to use in the classroom. These devices all have access to the App Store, which now contains a wide array of easy to use, …

Getting Started with Ubuntu (Free eBook)

For the right people and schools, a Ubuntu build of the Linux operating system can be a good cost-saving alternative to Mac and Windows operating systems. What holds some people back from trying Ubuntu is a lack of understanding of …

Google Search Gets a Major Overhaul

After months of testing and speculation, Google is finally releasing the next edition of Google search to the public, complete with a left-hand menu bar and even an update to the well-known Google logo. The new version of Google has …