Web 2.0 & Students With Disabilities

Many web2.0 sites have great potential for students with disabilities. Many of these sites help meet the concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a framework curricula that enable all individuals to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for …


Pixorial is an online video service where home movies and people interconnect. Customers can collaborate with others by adding and sharing full resolution home movies in the secure Pixorial service. Customers can edit and remix this online content to create …

Highlighting E-Readers

Making e-book readers more like books actually impairs their usefulness, according to a study. “Because it was difficult to take notes on the Kindle, because PDF documents could not be annotated or highlighted at all, and because it was hard …

An Awesome Free Guide to Digital Storytelling

Silvia Tolisano, author of the excellent Langwitches blog, has an awesome free ebook about digital storytelling. Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators is a 120 page guide to using digital storytelling tools in your classroom. The guide offers clear directions for …

Using Technology to Find Students

Using technology tools with high school students is always a good idea. Okay, maybe that statement is a bit bold, but let’s face the truth. High school students are more connected to online forums, Facebook accounts, and cell phones than …