Survey: One-Third of Youths Engage in Sexting

If you think the sexting phenomenon is growing, you’re not imagining it. According to a new survey, almost one-third of youths admit they’ve engaged in sexting-related activities that involved either e-mailing a photo or video of themselves in the nude …

Google Zeitgeist 2009

Another year has come and gone, and as always, we’re taking a moment to look back at the happenings of 2009—the people, events and memories that made this year unique. Each year, Google examines the billions of queries that people …

On Connectivism

Leigh Blackall: “There has been a long and [barren] relationship between education and popular culture for over a century now. Education has been absent from reality for as long as I’ve been a part of it and today is no …

The Next iPhone: What can we expect?

The current hardware version, for the 3GS, is 2.1 which was announced in June 2009 so we can expect another upgrade around the same time next year in June. Although nobody knows what the new iPhone will bring here are …

10 tech trends to look out for in 2010

In the future, your mouse will cook you breakfast, computers will float in the sky and the world will be a generally more peaceful place. Until then, here are a few interesting advancements that we reckon will shape technology during …