With these pointers, you’ll be able to use game mechanics to engage your learners all the way to the top of the leaderboard!
With these pointers, you’ll be able to use game mechanics to engage your learners all the way to the top of the leaderboard!
Gamification in education is a fun way to involve and engage students in their studies. Not just students, gamification is education offers many good things to everyone. Check out the list of amazing videos about gamification and use of …
Here are three game-based classroom solutions that can help transform your classroom into a dynamic learning environment. All three tools are completely free. Each platform is particularly strong in specific areas, therefore, depending on their needs, teachers can utilize one …
Games are ubiquitous digital activities that students , regardless of their grade level, engage in online. The list below features the main reasons why you need to consider using games in your teaching.
When we play video games we learn, build, collaborate, problem-solve, explore, discover, and achieve goals. We also are deemed heroes or champions for investing so much time playing. What if learning were more like playing a video game?
Involve and motivate your students into the process of online learning with the help of gamification. Check the following 9 techniques that will help you gamify your digital classroom.