Here’s a repository of Moodle related videos which is available to anyone. Videos cover a host of topics including making quizzes, adding 3rd party content, creating links and labels and activities, student safety, RSS, and much much more. Some videos …
6 Ways to Add Technology to the Classroom
Technology makes meaningful collaborative and engaging interactive classroom experiences possible with minimal effort.However, sometimes we need some help getting started. This list of ideas will hopefully serve as a starting place for some conversations in your school.…
Top 20 Social Networks for Education
A great list of networks for education that target technology literacy.…
Open Courses, Open Teaching, This Is Dangerous
What if teaching tools were no longer packaged and sold, but digitally created together for free use?
Presentation of the Week: Open Online Courses: A Model for Connected Learning
What We Learned from 5 Million Books
Why does Social Media matter in Higher Education?
Liz Gros reviews the literature and lists a series of factors why Social Media matters in Higher Education.…
How Twitter will Revolutionise Academic Research and Teaching
Textbook-free schools share experiences, insights
Schools using one-to-one laptop programs and iPad-based curriculum address their challenges.…
10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About – 2011 Update
These Technologies Are Changing Education. Are You Familiar With Them?
Envisioning the Post-LMS Era: The Open Learning Network
Learning Management Systems (LMS) have become a symbol of the status quo that supports administrative functions more effectively than teaching and learning activities. Personal learning environments offer an alternative, but with their own limitations. An open learning network helps bridge …
iPads Make Better Readers, Writers
In a research paper titled “Unlocking Literacy with iPad,” Ohio English teacher James Harmon found that state-compiled statistics indicate that those students with iPad access in the year leading up to the Ohio Graduation Test had a 6-percent greater chance …
Five Reasons Why YouTube Rocks the Classroom
Videos are, in effect, changing education and learning. We are now past the point of debate. Learn five reasons why you should consider using Youtube in your classroom.…
Top 10 Sites for Video Editing
Editing a video is a valuable skill to learn when dealing w/ 21st century technology. This is a great list of sites for editing a video which is a valuable tool for technology literacy.…
How to Set Up Class iPads and iPods
The Apple Fairy has come to your classroom and given you some iPads and/or iPod Touches to use for learning? There are many different ways to set your iDevices up. Here is how I’ve done mine.…