Results and best practices being generated from iPad rollouts in education.
Internet Use Affects Memory, Study Finds
The widespread use of search engines and online databases has affected the way people remember information, researchers are reporting.
Students Expect More Technology in School, Survey Says
Each day, students use phones and computers to find information and communicate. And now, they want to use more technology in school, according to an online survey of 1,000 high school students and faculty as well as district IT professionals …
Ten Tips for Using Social Media in School Communications
With social media networks ubiquitous in American life, it’s time to shift the debate from whether it’s a good idea for educators to use this new medium to how to use it wisely and well. Here are 10 tips to …
In Digital Age, Schools That Succeed are Schools That Connect
Plenty of wealthy schools are deciding not to make the connection, while many teachers in cash-strapped schools are pursuing a real grass-roots effort to make it happen.…
Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs: When and Why to Use Each
Do I really need to join another social network? If I join Google+ can I give up Facebook, Twitter, and blogs? What is the benefit of each? See where each social media platform shines and why you use each.…
Help Students Develop Lifelong Learning Skills with Web 2.0 Tools
During the recent online seminar Web 2.0 Tools for Lifelong Learning in Online Courses, Prof. Joni Dunlap from CU-Denver, explained how she uses a variety of Web 2.0 tools to help students develop lifelong learning skills.
Virtual Social Worlds and the Future of Learning
Presentation of the Week: Best Practices in Online Teaching Strategies
Professors Consider Classroom Uses for Google Plus
Google Plus, the new social-networking platform, is so new that most Internet users are not yet able to see it—an invitation is required while the service is in its test phase. But some professors who have tried it say they …
Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology
These are Doug Johnson’s nominees for the most stupid things a teacher can do related to technology.…
Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology
Here are seven technology practices that just make me marvel and feel proud to be a teacher.…
28 Creative Ideas for Teaching with Twitter
Enterprising educators are using Twitter in creative ways, to engage students inside and outside of class, to stay on top of education news, and keep in touch with peers and students.…
How To Make Your Dropbox Portable With DropboxPortableAHK
DropboxPortableAHK application makes your Dropbox fully portable. This means that you don’t have to save your Dropbox folder on every computer which you use and also make Dropbox portable.…
6 Excellent Tools For Writing Without Distractions
With so many digital distractions, it’s a wonder we can get anything done. Fortunately, there are a number of writing applications that attempt to block out the distractions so we can finally focus.