Jaycut.com may be the only web-based video editing application that registered members can use for free. Jaycut is not a professional video editor by a long shot. It doesn’t work as fast as consumer editors like iMovie and MovieMaker, but …
Harvard Study Finds Teens Online Lack Ethics
In their research, the team has found that most young people are devoid of ethical thinking or consideration for others when using the web.
A free tool for creating SCORM learning materials yourself
A free Microsoft tool that lets you create high-quality, interactive, online courses, and publish them in SCORM 1.2 packages (exactly what your Learning Platforms (like Moodle) like to consume!).
10 Rules of Teaching in this Century
We’ve been predicting a technology revolution for decades, and actually, it happened 5 years ago. We are now past the tipping point. As the revolution gathers momentum, many higher education institutions are clean-sheet redesigning teaching, learning, assessment, and career development. …
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age
What does effective assessment look like in the digital age? This document in PDF includes an articulation of four major perspectives on assessment: associative, constructivist, social constructivist, and situative. This is an excellent report, full of examples, case studies, and
4 Video Interviews with Real Moodle users at City University (London)
The City University of London (web:http://www.city.ac.uk) posted four videos of interviews with it’s own Moodle using staff members. It’s a keen insight to the various levels of early adoption you might see on any campus moving away from another Learning
20 Classy Open Source Alternatives for 12 Costly Software
A great list of free, open source software for all needs!
US School Replaces Textbooks With Kindles, Students Go Crazy
Clearwater High School is doing away with paper books, opting instead to hand out Kindles to the 2,000 students it educates. The pupils are reacting very positively so far to the change, signaling that for younger readers ebooks may be …
Moodle Evolving in a Competency Based Program at Dawson College
Roger Caissy creatively uses Moodle as a tool to help deliver his courses’ competency-based objectives at Dawson College.
15 Back to School Apps for Teachers
Time to go back to school again. Just like their students, teachers also have to prepare and find necessary tools to get things going for the new term. We’ve rounded up a list of tools teachers could use to get
3 Tools to Help You Save Paper & Ink in Your Classroom
Here are three tools that can help you reduce how much paper and ink you use when printing materials for your classroom.
UberStudent Is an Ubuntu System Custom-Built for Students
UberStudent, an Ubuntu installation loaded with student-friendly tools and customizations, is a smart pick for getting your actual school work done. UberStudent is a free download, and should run on most Intel-based hardware.
Nine Important Trends in the Evolution of Digital Textbooks and E-learning Content
Nine trends that we’re currently tracing with regards to digital content in Higher Education. These are the critical trends that we believe will determine both growth and innovation in this market.
Machine can read your thoughts
A mind-reading machine is a step closer to reality after scientists discovered a way of translating people’s thoughts into words. Researchers translated brain signals into speech using sensors attached to the surface of the brain. The breakthrough, which is up …
Search Takes a Social Turn
After a decade when search engines ruled supreme — tapping billions of Web pages to answer every conceivable query — many people now prefer getting their online information the old-fashioned way: by yakking across the fence.
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/13/technology/13search.html?_r=2&src=twt&twt=nytimestech …