Harvard University has now released version 2.0 of OpenScholar, an open source software package that lets scholars build personal and project-oriented web sites in a matter of minutes. It’s a quick, easy, and free solution that allows academics to build …
How The INTERNET Works
Almost everyone nowadays uses the Internet. Stuff like Facebook, email, chat, Twitter and YouTube wouldn’t be there without the Internet. But while the web is so useful and easy to use these days only a few understand how it functions.If …
Scitable: The Social Research Network For Science Geeks
The idea behind Scitable is a journal-quality, free science library. It’s peer-written and reviewed, and funded behind one of the largest science publishers in the world, Nature Publishing. But beyond the piles of information, there’s a social network of a …
Flip Your Instruction with Flip Video Cameras
You can begin creating a 21st century learning environment today with one of the easiest and least expensive to use technologies out there. A Flip Video. This $150 investment can go a long way in helping digital native students create …
Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age
“Digital technology makes copying and pasting easy, of course. But that is the least of it. The Internet may also be redefining how students — who came of age with music file-sharing, Wikipedia and Web-linking — understand the concept of …
Top 3 Creative Writing Social Networks To Get Feedback On Your Work
Here is a list of social networks where you can share your creative writing, whether you’re looking for a friendly community to interact with, or you’re looking for a serious critique. What stands out with all of these sites is …
Heard the Hoot? HootCourse Online Classroom Tool
A HootCourse is an online classroom that combines some of the most popular social networks, as well as blogging platforms, to offer a new type of online classroom. Each course is built on tweets and status updates, all in real-time. …
Hotseat – Backchannel Platform Coming to a Classroom Near You
Some smart IT folks at Purdue University are developing a new platform for hosting classroom backchannel discussions. The new platform is called Hotseat. According the Hotseat website and the promotional videos, Hotseat will integrate Twitter, Facebook, and mobile device feedback …
15 Mind Blowing Facts About the Internet
Very interesting facts about the Internet presented in an infographic way.
DIY Wearable Computer Turns You Into a Cyborg
A Swedish researcher and entrepreneur has taken the first step toward becoming a cyborg by creating a wearable computer that can be slung across the body.
5 Ways to Build Your 1.0 and 2.0 Personal Learning Network
The PLN is a network created by an individual learner, specific to the learner’s needs extending relevant learning connections to those around the globe who share interests, passions, and talents. Personal Learning Networks can be described as 1.0 and 2.0. …
RIP Google Wave
Google Wave, a product once heralded by many as a massively disruptive communication tool, is no more. In a blog post this afternoon (Aug. 4th), Google says they “don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product,” though the …
Twitter is changing how we interact with the world
Each of us chooses what we present to the outside world, crafting a public identity – a identity that we want other people to see. Every tweet, every Facebook posting, every Flickr upload is part of reinforcing the image we …
Screenjelly – Quick and Easy Screencasting
Screenjelly is a free web-based tool that allows anyone to quickly create a screencast video. To use Screenjelly all you need to do is go to Screenjelly.com and click the big red “record” button. Once clicked Screenjelly will begin recording …
Some thoughts on tablets in education
Christoph Derndorfer writes: “I think tablet-style devices could be quite well suited for use by primary-school children however I don’t think that the products currently available or foreseeable to be available within the next two or three years will be …