Google Public Data Explorer
Faculty Use of Social Media: When numbers say little
We know that instructors use technology, but how and why are they using social media, and, more importantly, are they using social media in a fashion that aligns with the philosophies behind social media?…
Acceptable Use Policies in the Web 2.0 and Mobile Era
Web 2.0 applications and mobile Internet devices have added new issues to the safety/access situation for schools. The purpose of this guide is to assist school districts in developing, rethinking, or revising Internet policies as a consequence of the emergence …
Teaching Social Bookmarking with Diigo Education
Social bookmarking in education is a new and exciting opportunity for teachers and students to connect and collaborate online. Using Diigo Educator accounts is one of the best ways to achieve this.…
Augmented Reality in Education
Augmented Reality (AR) is an environment that includes both virtual reality and real-world elements. This is a repository of useful information on how to use Augmented Reality in Education.…
How to make a Prezi – Rookie to Pro in 20 Minutes
Presentation tool Prezi is coming little by little use of teachers. Learning to Use Prezi is easy, just check these tutorials and examples and you are real pro in 20 minutes.
Social Media Resources for the Classroom
A list of useful Social Media Resources to be used in the classroom, selected by Dr. Camille Rutherford, from Brock University, Canada.…
10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote
Evernote is a great application for educators. It’s usefulness can range from planning a course to delivering a lesson plan to capturing feedback after class.Here are some ways to use Evernote to achieve your teaching goals.…
The Best Augmented Reality App for Education: Aurasma
Aurasma is a revolutionary, must-have platform that weaves the physical and virtual worlds together for the first time. Discover and share video, audio, games, and other rich content with your friends.…
Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom
Whether you are a veteran teacher looking for new ways to teach old topics or you are a still an education student getting ready to make your debut in the classroom, these exciting ways to use Google Earth are sure …
Staying In Touch with Generation Y
What is important is that there is more than one way to view this generation’s behaviors, choices, predispositions. And it is crucial that we pay attention to what these behaviors are telling us about engaging and creating learning spaces for …
Schooltube: Making Livestreaming in Education Easy
Schooltube offers various levels of accounts and channels for educators and schools. These range from free channels where teachers can post student videos, to premium channels and super channels. Each level gives you more features, including the ability to control …
Web 2.0 for Schools ebook
A free ebook containing a great list of Web 2.0 tools to be used in Education.…
7 Reasons To Leverage Social Networking Tools in the Classroom
Instructional uses of social networking software can provide opportunities for learning, connecting, and engagement.