Many experts say that creativity is not necessarily something you have or don’t have, but that can be nurtured and developed. If you are searching for ways to feed your creativity, then take a look at these online tools. From …
3 Keys to a Flipped Classroom
The idea of a flipped classroom is that students receive their instruction (readings, lectures, etc) at home, and do their homework (assignments, groupwork, etc) in the classroom. Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved.…
Can Facebook Affect Students’ College Admission?
As everyone knows Facebook is virtually in everything these days, even making it’s way into college admissions. In fact 80% of America’s top colleges are using social media as a form of recruitment. Universities state that the Facebook profile is …
50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of …
Uploading Files to Google Docs Just Got Easier
Last fall, Google Docs users gained the ability to drag and drop files from the desktop to the upload page. Now Google has announced that it will be rolling out a few more features to make that process of uploading …
College Students Warm Up to E-Readers, But Still Say They Prefer Print
There have been mixed signals coming from college campuses about e-books and e-readers. While interest and sales in the former have increased, it’s not clear that college students have been terribly keen on e-readers. And the vast majority of students …
The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You
A list of interesting Web 2.0 tools chosen by educators all over the world.…
Presentation of the Week
Presentation of the Week
How Technology Will Disrupt Learning for a Lifetime, Not Just in the Classroom
Much of the buzz around the educational benefits of Internet technology has focused on the potential for the classroom. It’s also a huge boom for “lifelong learners,” those students — students of any age — that are pursuing educational opportunities …
5 Myths About the ‘Information Age’
Confusion about the nature of the so-called information age has led to a state of collective false consciousness. It’s no one’s fault but everyone’s problem, because in trying to get our bearings in cyberspace, we often get things wrong, and …
Wibbitz: Create Interactive Video From Web Content
Wibbitz is a free pluggin that lets webmasters convert static web content into interactive streaming videos that will include headlines, images, video clips and more. The videos are created in real-time so the video content is always up to date. …
50 Innovative Ways To Use iPads In School
Tom Barrett and dozens of other educators are working on a terrific Google Doc that details some wonderful ways to use the iPad in school.
What the Post-PC Era Means for Education
It’s the future of education futurists have been looking toward for some time. “As an industry that traditionally was focused on centralised knowledge, the stable, fixed model of computing of the PC era was much easier to integrate than the …
How Technology Influences the New American Family
A new Nielson report takes a look at how multicultural families across America are adapting to today’s digital landscape. This new report paints a revealing and colorful portrait of how technology influences our everyday lives.…