Easy Ways to Remove Image Backgrounds

There are plenty of online tools for removing image backgrounds. Once the image background is removed you can then upload the new version of the image to your presentation. Here are some free tools you can use to remove image

Teams and Moodle, What Scenario to Expect

Microsoft Teams has features like a virtual classroom in which there are virtual classes for learning. Chat and video conference interactions, to task submissions and quizzes. Everything makes Microsoft Teams a comfortable place to study in virtual classrooms. However, still

8 avenues of AI use that are worth exploring

We are constantly being told that AI will be omnipresent in the coming years and that the education sector must absolutely comprehend this technology  in order to prepare the adults of tomorrow. But what are the exploitable avenues of exploration?

16 Ways to Own Your Professional Learning

Teachers and others keeping up with their professional development need to do far more than take the occasional class. And John Spencer writes here, “teachers all over the world are meeting in small groups, doing book studies to refine their