For those special searches, here are seven search sites you can use other than Google. These services cover a range of themes and needs, but you’re almost guaranteed to find one useful – and you might find yourself consulting it …
Presentation of the Week: Trusted Learning Analytics
Governments don’t understand cyber warfare. We need hackers
The 5 Technologies that will Change Networking in 2019
The networking field is changing fast. This year, several emerging technologies will fundamentally impact how businesses and their employees connect. The good news is that each technology also represents a solid opportunity to improve some aspect of how a company …
Moving Towards Sustainable Policy and Practice – A Five Level Framework for Online Learning Sustainability
This paper addresses the issue of sustainability in online learning in higher education. It introduces and discusses a five-level framework for helping higher education institutions to make the transition from enterprise to sustainable policy and practice in online learning.
What is digital literacy?
It’s perhaps not surprising that there are different answers to this question and every answer we’ve found has limits and challenges. We want to try to introduce our students to the richness of the question and to ask how this …
Professors Worry About the Cost of Textbooks, but Free Alternatives Pose Their Own Problems
When it comes to textbooks, faculty members have a lot of feelings. Many of them negative. But their thoughts on digital coursework and openly licensed materials aren’t any less conflicted.…
5 Ways Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots Are Changing Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots are changing the world in more ways we can ever imagine. Here are 5 ways artificial intelligence and chatbots are influencing and changing education.
How Can Online Instructors Get Students to Talk to Each Other?
Cultivating an engaging environment can be a challenge when teaching online. Having the interaction occur among students, instead of solely with the professor, can be even more difficult.
The Future of MOOCs Must Be Decolonized
A critique that is often sidelined from the current dialogue is that which targets the neo-colonial nature of MOOCs.…
Here Is A Great Tool to Create Engaging Presentations and Animated Videos
Pontoon Edu allows you to animate difficult topics and engage your students using a wide variety of tools. You can easily drag and drop characters and props into your slides and assign it an animation, choose from different pre-designed templates …
Innovating Pedagogy Report 2019
The Open University UK produce an annual Innovating Pedagogy Report, which explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment. It considers ten innovations which are likely to have a significant impact on education.
Community of Inquiry on Facebook in a Formal Learning Setting in Higher Education
This study demonstrates an application of Facebook for higher education in science (STEM), and it clarifies its impact on students’ learning in a formal online learning setting.