See below a list of 20 recommended Docs Add-ons, what they do, ideas for how they can be used in schools, and a quick overview of how to install, use, and remove Add-ons.
360 Degree Learning with Google Tour Creator
Recently Google has launched a new tool called Google Tour Creator. This tool allows you and your students to create 360 degree tours, which can then be shared with and viewed by others. It is very much like creating your …
Top 25 Teacher Podcasts You Must Subscribe and Listen to
The Best Teacher Podcasts from thousands of Teacher Podcasts on the web using search and social metrics. Subscribe to these websites because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information.
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
The problem with Artificial Intelligence is that it’s much more fragmented, both technologically and in use cases, than Blockchain, making it a real challenge to condense all the information and share it meaningfully. Likewise, I have tried to make an …
26 Can’t-Miss Education Conferences for 2019
Here is the latest list of 26 can’t-miss education conferences for your 2019 planning:…
Artificial Intelligence in Education – Podcast
This series takes a bite-size look at technologies in work-place training which are changing the ways we learn and thrive. This week, we look at artificial intelligence in adult education.…
40 maps that explain the internet
Here are 40 maps that will help you better understand the internet — where it came from, how it works, and how it’s used by people around the world.
3 Lesson Planning Tools for Teachers
Several platforms now provide lesson planning features including Google Classroom and Edmodo, however, if you are looking for easy to use and simple lesson planners , the tools below are great to start with. They will enable you to create …
12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years
The classroom is changing because the world is changing. Education, being more or less perma-funded by governments and misunderstood by the public, is more built to resist change. But that doesn’t mean change isn’t happening (e.g., flipped classrooms, BYOD, maker …
Meet The Linux Desktop That’s More Beautiful Than Windows 10 And MacOS
Recently my Linux adventures led me to Deepin, an OS that captured my attention and boasts a few key ingredients I fell in love with.
Montreal Declaration for a responsible development of Artificial Intelligence
The principles of the current declaration rest on the common belief that human beings seek to grow as social beings endowed with sensations, thoughts and feelings, and strive to fulfill their potential by freely exercising their emotional, moral and intellectual …
Three lessons from rigorous research on education technology
Education technology is an area where innovation has outpaced rigorous research. We wanted to find all the studies and distill the main lessons so that decision makers can decide which programs to scale up and invest in.…
Ray Kurzweil on what the future holds next
Presentation of the Week: Technology Trends for 2019 and Beyond
A discussion on the risks and benefits to education of AI and automation
Interview with Dr. Tony Bates on his views of how automation and AI are likely to impact on security, privacy, interaction, and personalization in education.