Giving Students Feedback With Kaizena (Voice Comments) Tutorial
Create a Library of Google Scholar Search Results
Last week Google added a new Google Scholar option that can help students organize their research. You can now create libraries of articles that you find through Google Scholar. Google Scholar indexes scholarly, peer-reviewed academic papers, journals, theses, books, and …
Connectivism and MOOCs: The Web We Weave
Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations.The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical.
Cloud Infographic: Crypto Web Report
We tend to forget that there are steps which we need to take to ensure security even after we have shifted all our digital luggage to the cloud. Below is an infographic chart provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation which …
Edmodo – Making It Personal with 40+ Apps
Edmodo is a free social learning platform that allows teachers to share content and manage student learning. The Edmodo App Store has really allowed Edmodo to reach its full potential. With over 500 apps, all educators can find tools that …
Professors Show Increased Use of Social Media in Higher Education Study Suggests
Professors at institutions of higher education such as Boston University are becoming increasingly likely to use social media platforms as classroom tools, according to a study released Friday.
Microsoft launches Curah, a Curated Answers website
Microsoft has launched a new portal, which promises to offer the best tech answers on the web. Microsoft Curah, aims to be a one-stop portal where all content is well-organized, and solutions are developed by technical experts.
Plotagon: Movie-making for everyone
What Happens To Your Data After You’re Dead?
When you die, you’ll leave behind a digital presence – dead data, or a graveyard in the cloud. What happens to this data? Learn reading this article.
Universal Design Learning Explained for Teachers
Universal Design Learning is a framework for learning that includes all students. In UDL students are allowed to express their learning in a variety of ways. Watch the video below to learn more about it.
Interesting Chart Outlining the Differences between Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy
It is widely believed that pedagogy as an educational method per see is no longer enough; teachers and educators need to embrace new methodologies that are more relevant to the exigencies of today’s learning. Andragogy and Heutagogy are probably the …
Top 13 Educational Tools Online that Every Teacher Should Know
The proliferation of web-based tools seems to be growing with an ever-increasing pace. In this article, we will make the process of selection easier by listing some of the most effective free web tools that advance the classroom environment.