Educators should definitely start using some of the online solutions that are meant to promote modern education and take the classroom organization to the next level. In this article, we will cover 20 education technology tools that educators should start …
Google Earth Intros Tour Builder, A Cooler Way to Tell Stories
Google Earth already lets viewers travel virtually to places around the world, but a new feature could change the way users tell stories about their own real-life travels.
25 Open Source Alternatives For Costly Applications
A great list of open source applications that are great alternatives for expensive office applications.
How a choice of social learning networks can make us smarter
The secret to why some cultures thrive and others disappear may lie in our social networks and our ability to imitate, rather than our individual smarts, according to a new University of British Columbia study.…
Apple iPad Mini Retina Is the Best Mid-Sized Tablet
Virtually every good (and bad) thing you can say about Apple’s iPad Air is applicable to the new iPad mini with Retina display. The 7.8-inch tablet’s second edition is virtually identical inside and out to the 9.7-inch iPad Air, with …
5 Great Apps and Sites to Help Students Stay Organized
These tools will help students stay on top of their assignments, keep their notes in one place, and create multimedia presentations.…
3 Excellent Tools to Sign Your Documents Electronically
Are you tired of printing out your document and scanning back in just to put your signature on them ? Well, you don’t have to anymore. There are now several ways to cut up on paper and start signing your …
14 Web Tools For Teaching Without Student Logins
Here is a list of great Web 2.0 tools that do not require these for teacher and student use.
What is Open Pedagogy?
Hundreds of thousands of words have been written about open educational resources (OER), but precious little has been written about how OER – or openness more generally – changes the practice of education.
Learning Analytics 101: What To Expect When Data Enters The Classroom
We’re hard at work on gathering a lot of education data every day so we can help figure out what you should try and what you should avoid. We found lots great research on the subject. And I think the …
Why Tablets Are So Much Better Than Textbooks
Amplify is an education company using technology towards a simple goal — change the way students interact and learn in the classroom. It really seeks to change the way we teach and the way we teach Kindergarten through 12 grade …
Presentation of the Week: Students as Curators – Now What?
Understanding and Creating Professional Learning Networks
27 Simple Ways To Check For Understanding
Checking for understanding is the foundation of teaching. The following infographic offers up 27 additional ways to check for understanding.…
Why Mobile Technology Enhances Instruction
Mobile technology has potential to change the student-teacher dynamic for the better but only if implemented correctly. Here are a few ways I think all teachers can benefit from smart mobile technology use.