Google Goes Social with Google Buzz

It’s official: Google has just announced Google Buzz, its newest push into the social media foray. This confirms earlier reports of Gmail integrating a social status feature. Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you …

TEDxMcGill Presentations

TEDxMcGill is a student run independently organized TED event at McGill University in Montreal. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 25 years ago, TED [ ] has grown …

How Can You Find Out Who Is Googling You?

Have you ever Googled a coworker or yourself? Wouldn’t you love to know who is Googling you? Or be notified as it happens? Unfortunately, Google doesn’t reveal this type of information. To obtain this information, you have to set up …

Google Apps for Education FAQs Answered

As funding becomes tighter and schools are looking for ways to save, switching to Google Apps for Education makes sense for many school districts. The decision is one that is often preceded by a lot of questions from school boards …

Social Media Toolkit

About five years ago, if you wanted to get attention for consulting or speaking engagements, frequent use of “web 2.0″ was required. Today, you can get the same mileage from “social media”. In fact, add “social” to anything and you’ll …

Google Books Adds Shelving Options

Google recently announced two new enhancement to Google Books. You can now browse through many of the Google Books categories using a horizontally scrolling interface. This same horizontally scrolling interface is also applied to the collections of books that you …

CBC’s New Licensing System Causes Anger

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is under fire for restrictive copyright licenses. It is requiring that sites wanting to use their content pay steep fees for doing so. Meanwhile, it has systems installed on its website that track user downloads …

EduFeedr – to handle your open online courses

Interesting set of slides describing an open course content aggregator called EduFeedr. Hans Poldoja provides paper-based mock-ups and a development plan for an application that would perform many of the functions provided by software such as what we used in …

Using Shmoop to Make Learning Relevant

Students often ask – “Why must we learn this?” Shmoop helps educators answer this question through its digital resources that make learning fun and relevant for students. The online resource uses relevant and current cultural points-of-reference to help students see …

Textbook Publishers Embrace iPad Apps for Education

Textbook publishers have already enlisted the third-party services of developers to build adaptations of textbooks for the iPad, the Wall Street Journal reports. McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Pearson and Kaplan have struck deals with iPhone and iPod touch developers ScrollMotion Inc. …