Slide presentation by Jane Hart at the Australian Flexible Learning Framework’s “Making technology work for you” conference. She mentions some old favourites as well as some new tools that are appearing on the emerging Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 …
Free eBook – 20 WEBTOOLS Applied to Teaching
Ana Maria Menezes has just published a 53 page free ebook titled 20 WEBTOOLS Applied to Teaching. In addition to some well-known services like Animoto, Ana Maria has included some lesser-known tools that could be particulary useful for ESL/ELL instruction.…
Edistorm: An Individual & Group Brainstorming Tool
Brainstorming is a technique employed to gather ideas about a certain topic. When we have gathered many ideas, we start filtering the good from the bad; as a result, we achieve the best ideas we can think of. Whether we …
QlipBoard: Create How-To Videos Easily
QlipBoard is a free software that lets users easily record instructional videos and add things like annotations, screenshots and other media to them. The resulting videos are produced in .WMV format and known as Qlippits. It’s an all in one …
DocTranslator: Free Tool For Translating Documents Online
DocTranslator is a nice web based translator that can translate your documents, such as Word documents, spreadsheets, powerpoint presentations and text files, to and from more than 50 languages. It uses the Google Translate API to convert documents.
Testmoz: A Simple Web-based Test Generating Application
Testmoz is a simple test generating application created by Matt Johnson, an undergraduate student at Washington State University, Vancouver.
Collaborate, Create, and Collect: Web 2.0 Tools for Class Projects
Project-based learning is powerful because it is student-centered and real world driven. It allows for a more creative, in-depth investigation of a topic with more meaning and relevance for the learner. Whether the students are working on real world problems, …
3 Smart Visual Search Engines To Find The Images You Want
Searching for images has long been a neglected feature in common search engines. You had to rely on good tags, otherwise it was difficult to find just the right image. Tracing images across the net was out of the question. …
Fotobabble – Turn Pictures Into Audio Stories
Fotobabble is a free service that allows you to quickly turn a picture into an audio picture story. Using Fotoabble is easy, just upload an image to Fotobabble, allow Fotobabble to access your computer’s microphone, and start recording your voice. …
Tools and Tips for Creating Relevant, Authentic & Dynamic Webquests
Webquests, originally designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March of San Diego State University, are web-based projects in which students take a predetermined journey across the net to learn about and synthesize their knowledge on a specific topic. Usually these …
CaricatureMaker: Create Funny Caricatures Faces Online
Lots of tools let you convert photos into caricatures. However, CaricatureMaker is a little different than these automated tools since it lets you create a caricature faces completely from scratch by choosing specific styles for various features.…
Goofram – Google and Wolfram Alpha Side by Side
Goofram is a mash-up of Google Search and Wolfram Alpha search. Enter your search term(s) into Goofram and it will display relevant results drawn from Google and Wolfram Alpha.
100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom
Educators interested in using social media to enrich learning will enjoy these 100 ideas for using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Skype in the classroom from Online Universities. The post includes real examples of educators using social media …
Audio and Video Podcasting for Education Made Easy
Audio and video podcasts are revolutionary tools for educators. Many educators are intimidated by the daunting task of creating and broadcasting their own podcast because on the surface it seems to require a fair amount of ITC knowledge. Fortunately many …
Read the Words – Hear Your Text Spoken
Read the Words converts your text (word, pdf, html, websites, and more) into spoken words. Users of Read the Words can select from fifteen different voices and three languages in which to hear their text spoken. The conversion of text …