Turn your Google Docs into a Fax Machine
Learn about online services that lets you send faxes directly from Google Docs to any domestic or international fax numbers. You may also receive faxes into Google Docs.
Misha Glenny: Hire the Hackers!
Presentation of the Week: 10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations
Back to School Apps for Teachers
It’s time to get your iPad ready for school. I suggest at least one grade, attendance, note taker and lesson plan app.
How to Create Websites and Student Blogs with Weebly for Education
Classroom websites are a great way to give your class an online presence that you can be proud of, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to do. Weebly’s education accounts let you create secure student blogs, or …
8 Word Cloud Makers for Teachers
A word cloud is an attractive way of visualising a large chunk of text in a more pleasing way. It shows the most frequent words used throughout the text. It’s a good way of seeing which words are used the …
High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom
As 21st-century teachers, we are expected to help students master the technological tools they will use in college and the workplace. How can we best use limited resources to support learning and familiarize students with technology?
48 iPad Apps That College Students Love
Among these great apps, students will find help with everything from keeping homework organized to finding the perfect first date spot — and just about everything in between.
Not ‘Natives’ & ‘Immigrants’ but ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’
Students cannot be usefully categorised as Digital Natives or Digital Immigrants. This distinction does not help guide the implementation of technologies it simply provides the excuse that “some people ‘just don’t get it’ which is why your new approach has …
Six Benefits to Project Based Learning and Technology Integration
Technology integration and project based learning are a perfect fit. Teachers can design learning experiences that incorporate the use of the computer to complete motivating projects. Project based learning offers numerous benefits to students. The 6 most important benefits to …
Instructor’s Guide to Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning
Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is a classroom and laboratory technique that seeks to simultaneously teach content and key process skills such as the ability to think analytically and work effectively as part of a collaborative team.
Social websites are latest sources for plagiarized material
Plagiarism is going social, according toTurnitin.com, which found that one-third of plagiarized material in student papers can be traced to social networking, content sharing, or question-and-answer websites.
100 Seriously Cool Classroom Blogs for Teaching Ideas & Inspiration
There are numerous teachers out there who are willing to share their expertise and classroom experiments with teachers young and old. Here are some great blogs that offer insights into what classes of kids are doing around the world as …
Technology Does Not Equal 21st Century Learning
Below you will find a chart that shows the difference between a 20th Century classroom and a 21st century classroom. As you go through the list I don’t think you will see the word technology once.