Videos are standard viral fare of the web — they’re passed around so much that often people have no idea where they came from. A startup called Viewbix seeks to rectify that issue, with a service that lets anyone make …
25 Best Sites for Free Educational Videos
A great guide to the 25 best online resources for finding free educational videos. With the exception of BrainPOP and Cosmeo, all listed sites offer their extensive video libraries for free.
Tips for Teaching What You Don’t Know: Managing Your Time
Therese Huston offers some guidance on managing your time. Huston is the founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University, and author of Teaching What You Don’t Know.
Creating a Painless (or less painful) Web 2.0 Classroom
A guide to help you manage your classes through the use of Web 2.0 tools.
The Best Way to Store Stuff in the Cloud
We tested eleven of the most popular cloud storage services out there, looked at their price-per-gigabyte, and considered their various features and functionality. Read on to meet our gladiators, and to see which was the one cloud to rule them …
Integrating Technology: Eight Questions to Ask Yourself
We increasingly have access to technology in our classrooms. And our students are increasingly bringing their own technology into the classroom in the form of mobile devices. Below are some more focused questions you can ask yourself in the process …
5 Ways for Students to Publish in Under a Minute
If you just want students to occasionally publish an essay to the web for peer review, you might not need a full-fledged blogging platform. Here are five ways that you can have students publish their essays to the web in …
The 100 Things You Need To Know About Social Media
A great list of the best resources and guides on the web that have taken hours to write and are all by some of the best people in their respective fields.…
A Big List of Sites That Teach You How To Do Stuff
A great list of resources which focus on such general purpose sites that include some sort of rich media instruction (generally video).
E-Portfolios Evolve Thanks to Web 2.0 Tools
Web 2.0 and other technology tools are making it quicker and easier than ever to create digital portfolios of student work, a method of assessment experts say increases student engagement…
Harvard Students Put Smartphone Usability to the Test
Professor Dennis Galletta has been teaching a summer course at Harvard on Human Factors in Information Systems Design. As part of it, his students conducted some usability testing of the iPhone 4, Samsung’s Windows Phone 7-based Focus, HTC’s Android-based Thunderbolt, …
Presentation of the Week: QR Codes in an Academic Setting
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education
Tia’s Top Ten Ed Tech Tools 2011-2012
A list of great Educational Technology tools. Hopefully some teachers and students will try to incorporate them in the classroom this year.
Classroom ideas for learning with the iPad: Resource booklet for schools
This article provides a range of practical learning and teaching ideas to support the introduction of iPads in schools.