Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing explains why he won’t buy an iPad: “The way you improve your iPad isn’t to figure out how it works and making it better. The way you improve the iPad is to buy iApps.” And even …
iPhone 4: The Definitive Guide
Here’s an exhaustive guide to all the features of the new iPhone 4, released by Apple on June 7th.
Microsoft pptPlex: Improving your Powerpoint Presentations
pptPlex is a research prototype developed by Microsoft Office Labs as an exploration of an alternative method of presenting Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slides. This plug-in allows you to arrange slides on a canvas then zoom between the slides during …
Don’t Buy Your Textbooks: Rent Them!
UToronto bookstore launches textbook rental pilot project.…
10 Emerging Technologies 2010
Each year, Technology Review selects what it believes are the 10 most important emerging technologies. The winners are chosen based on the editors’ coverage of key fields. The question asked is simple: is the technology likely to change the world?…
One Laptop Per Child Focuses on Sub-$100 Tablet PC for Education
Nearly 2 million children worldwide already use the renowned XO laptop computer, according to its provider, the philanthropic organization One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). And now, with the help of no small amount of feedback from its users, OLPC has …
World’s Biggest Supercomputing Superpowers
Which country has the most powerful supercomputers? If you trust the annual top 500 list, recently published at the International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany, it’s the U.S., followed by China, Germany, United Kingdom and France.
Moodle 2: File Import from and Export to Cloud Apps
Take a look on how Moodle will handle sharing files with consumer web apps like Google Docs and Flickr. Here’s some info about importing docs from external repositories:…
Amazon Vs. Apple Be Damned: Publishers Pine For A Universal E-Book Format
Giants and upstarts of publishing gathered at the annual BookExpo America last week agreed e-books will transform the business but believe the big change will come when there is a standard format across which all e-books can be published and …
Meet iPed, The Android-Based Chinese iPad Clone [Video]
It’s a tablet. It comes in a box nearly identical to the iPad. Yet, one letter makes a big difference: it’s called the iPed, and it costs only $105 – approximately five times less than Apple’s original, the iPad. And …
Marca’s World Cup calendar
This is a fantastic World Cup calendar, one of the best examples of digital design I’ve seen.…
Moodle Correction Perfection
A short version of a presentation done by Nicholas Walker (Teacher, Cégep Ahuntsic) at the Rascals 2010 Colloquium in St-Sauveur. The main thrust of that talk was to argue that Moodle can do a better job providing corrective feedback on …
Choosing the right social and collaboration platform
This presentation analyzes 10 criteria for considering such a platform, presents a tour of 3 very different platforms, and finally compares them against the 10 criteria.…
Teaching in a socially networked classroom
Since social networking is such a huge part of our students’ lives, we should be incorporating it into the classroom. Both students and teachers can benefit from using such tools. Collaboration and communication can be made easier by using these …
Can academic integrity exist in the Google Age?
Technology can make it easy to coast, cheat, and otherwise circumvent the educational process. The National Society of Collegiate Scholars would like students to embrace integrity instead.…