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9 Hidden Gmail Features You Probably Didn’t Know About
Whether you’re new to Gmail or a power user, there may be a feature or two you’re not familiar with. So, here are nine hidden Gmail features.
The Best Productivity Apps for 2022
40 apps that will make your life at work and home easier, better, or both.…
What Are Ransomware Attacks? — How To Avoid Them And Tools To Get Back Your Encrypted Files Without Paying A Penny To Scammers
They are one of the most notorious malware floating around the internet. Actually they are a piece of software that locks down your files in your PC or smartphone behind an encrypted paywall. Yes, you have to pay ransom to …
Harness the Popularity of Wordle and Word-Based Games
If you are on social media, you may have seen contacts posting what, at first glance, seems like a simple Tetris grid or the side of a Rubic’s cube made up of gray, yellow, and green boxes. Or maybe you …
Cloud Caper: How to Host your Own File Repository in the Cloud
What I learned about trying to run my own cloud from a few weeks of trying to run the whole dang thing myself. (Hint: I found myself trying multiple solutions.)…
Bishop’s University launches online reporting for campus sexual violence
Bishop’s University is pleased to announce that it has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to make online reporting available to the campus community. REES is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week centralized online reporting and information platform that provides increased options …
Swedish Anoto launches the world’s first AI solution for an integrated offline and online education platform
Anoto Group AB announces it is launching a completely new AI-based education platform. The previous platform, which was only offered to schools (b2b), contains three functions – diagnostic assessment of the student’s skills, autogenerated teaching and a module for distance …
Government of Canada announces funding recipients that will help prepare millions of students for the digital world
Canada needs a workforce that is strong in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and capable of taking on challenges to compete in the digital economy. To make sure the next generation of young Canadians can thrive in that digital …
The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Your Life
As a society, we’ve come a long way with the help of technology. But is it all rainbows and sunshine? Or does technology have its downsides?
Despite the impact of the pandemic on school retention, Quebec students are optimistic about their future
While 47% of young people in school say that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their perception of the future, a strong majority (77%) are still optimistic about their prospects. Such is the finding of a new Leger …
How to learn a language online
Duolingo isn’t the only way to study languages on your phone.
Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2021 Edition)
Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2021 Edition)
This is a comprehensive and well-sourced resource covering major areas in diversity and social justice, including social identities, inclusion, communication, difference, power and privilege. The text is a mixture of background …
How to Make Documents Accessible With One-Click OCR Scanning
Do you have a way to make documents accessible in your classroom? Accessibility is a crucial consideration when using technology with all learners. You’ve probably come across websites and apps with great accessibility features, and other websites that make it …
How to turn your phone into the world’s best webcam for free
No need to buy a new webcam: your smartphone’s camera is much, much better.…